Friday, February 29, 2008
Ancient Archetype No. 1 - The Alchemist
The Alchemist
This archetype's defining trait is the act of converting some form of matter into an altered expression of itself. It often relies on a combination of chemistry, magic, and philosophy and thrives on the mysterious, and often enchanting, relationship between matter and the creation of life. This fairytale insect hybrid is no exception. According to ancient folklore, despite her cumbersome insect casing, she always loved to dance and moved with a grace and spirit that belied her sharp, pointy exterior. In an effort to increase her ease of movement and mobility, she deconstructed her outer shell to resemble an intricately beautiful ball gown, perfect for pirouetting through life.
Thursday, February 28, 2008
Head Gear Print on Etsy's Front Page, 2nd time in one week!!!
Arts in RI Street Team RULES THE SCHOOL!!! ♥
Sunday, February 24, 2008
Bunny Von Ludwig - Fairytale Portrait
available in my etsy shop♥
This is an 8x10 antique portrait of Bunny Von Ludwig, Austrian Duchess of the royal Von Ludwig family from the late 1700's. It was found deep within the bowels of the Von Ludwig Castle, located on the foothills of the Bohemian Forest...a family steeped in mystery, tragedy, and scandal. Although this is a rather innocent portraiture of Bunny, with her soft, silky ears fixed just so and her demure, coquettish smile, there was a darker, more primitive, seamier side, to this deceiptively sweet, girlish ingenue...a side that earned her the nickname "the duchess of debauchery"...a hedonistic harlot filled with insatiable desires, desires of a not so innocent nature shall we that feathery fan that she's holding merely a fan...or some other type of pleasure device? Only Bunny knows...tickles anyone?
Saturday, February 23, 2008
Yay! I'm going to be published...I think?
stay tuned! the magazine comes out on march 1st, so i guess i just have to wait and see until i can get my little paws on a copy....mendy (flickr name "mendytexas") is going to be featured in the magazine too...i'm super excited because if i am in (hope hope, fingers & toes crossed) it will be my first time being published...even if i'm not in, it was still fun seeing my collage and name featured in the ad....can't wait till march 1st ♥
Thursday, February 21, 2008
I'm on Etsy's front page, yay!!!
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
I Love You Etsy!!!
i'm definitely feeling the love on etsy, i couldn't have found a more amazing site filled with the most talented, inspirational group of people anywhere...thank you so much to everyone that's supported my shop!
i had my 200th sale today (thanks kandeland!) and that buyer will be receiving a free 1,000th heart will be receiving a free print as well, i can't express my appreciation enough, but that's my little token of thanks from me to you ♥
not to sound like a big fat cornball, but it's been totally life changing and so exciting, the entire experience has blown my mind and really taught me a lot about myself, not to sound all dramatic, but it's true. i've truly met the most creative, kind, and fantastically wonderful individuals that walk this planet, both sellers and buyers alike...i'm really grateful and so looking forward to all the good things yet to come....thank you etsy, i ♥ you!!!
Sunday, February 17, 2008
Livin' On A Prayer
title of this piece is a nod to my former junior high crush, jon bon jovi, and although livin' on a prayer was not my favorite bon jovi song, it seemed an appropriate fit for this collage. collage print created with a bevy of antique papers and featuring a rather beatific image of the virgin mary, surely dreaming of her favorite rockstar, floating ethereally above a hand written prayer that reads...
"My father hear my prayer before I go to rest, It is thy little child that cometh to be blessed, Forgive me all my sins and let me sleep this night, In safety and in peace, Until the morning light"...
good night & sweet dreams bloggy friends!
Somebody's Darling
this photo is really not capturing this canvas as well as i'd like, but i'm the WORST photographer ever ;D so for now this is the best i could do....that's why i love my scanner so, but my scanner wasn't doing so hot with this you're subjected to my supremely deficient photograpy skills...8x10 collaged, gallery wrapped canvas, i wanted to try and create a little patchwork quilt of old paper with one of my ledger collages as the focal point, papers include antique ledger paper, wallpaper, and bits and scraps from an antique scrapbook...entire piece is sealed and sides are finished with bits and pieces of antique papers.
i'll be writing more later, busy like a bee filling orders, happy sunday!
Monday, February 11, 2008
Head Case Series

all of these collages are part of my new "head case" series. each one features a lovely, mod, big eyed, 70's beauty with a unique and quirky "hairdo"! the top row features dreaming of spring and bird brain, while the bottom row features head gear, harebrain, and bookish...and each one of these lovelies is available in my etsy shop. my brain has been swirling with tons of ideas of how i can further explore this theme and i've definitely got a few more tricks up my sleeve, so stay tuned for more collagey goodness from this series!
Yay for Poppytalk Handmade!
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
The Symphony of Life
the other thing you should be prepared for if you are going to be reading this is that i've completely given up on capitals, i tried to use them in my first few posts and seem all proper and full of grammatical correctness, but i'm over it. i type in lower case in my emails and on forums, so why not on my blog too?...hopefully this will not offend you, if it does i suggest you move onto another blog that it is more grammatically gracious than i, if this does not bother you and you are still reading...LONG LIVE THE LOWER CASE!
ok, enough ranting for tonight...onto this jaunty little pipe smoking bird! this is a little something i cooked up tonight. it's a combination of digital and traditional cut and paste collage, printed on antique paper from the early 1900's. it features a dapper little chippy, puffing on her pipe, sporting a sassy little hat with a feather in her cap! there are some hand drawn doodles along with some snips and scraps of vintage paper. i'll be listing this in my etsy shop shortly, or perhaps tomorrow as it's getting a bit late. goodnight my loves, more tomorrow....or not ♥
Sunday, February 3, 2008
Vintage Paper Series II
She Devil ~ Vintage Paper Collage
Saturday, February 2, 2008
I'm Still Waiting ~ Vintage Paper Collage
Crimson & Clover ~ Vintage Paper Collage
Friday, February 1, 2008
Best Bunnies - Surreal Vintage Paper Collage

This piece is part of my vintage paper series, experimental printing on a variety of old and delicate substrates, including antique ledger paper, antique receipts, and antique book pages, pretty much anything old and printable....printing directly onto these scavenged bits of paper really gives the piece a beautifully muted palette and a true sense of authenticity. You can check out other works from this series in my shop.
Several pieces from this series will also be featured on Poppytalk Handmade's spring market showcase, yay!!! Poppytalk Handmade is like a virtual online indie craft fair, full of gorgeous creations from artists all over the globe, so I'm super excited to be part of such an amazingly talented group...thanks poppytalk! Showcase begins February 11th and runs until March 8th....more info. on that soon, so stay tuned!
p.s. sheesh! for someone who has just written her first post, I can certainly ramble, can't I! My apologies to my one reader...(hi mom!)