got an email today from a fellow etsy seller/flickr friend that someone who sells on ebay UK (Seller name Patina-Blue to be exact) is selling notebooks with my artwork on them, currently she/he is using two of my designs....so sad....she/he is also selling notebooks with the artwork of another etsy seller, who i've notified as well...i contacted the seller and asked her/him to immediately remove the listings, but i haven't gotten a response and the listings are still there...i've also contacted ebay and am waiting for their response and hopefully some guidance as to how i should proceed....i'm pretty angry about this...the nerve of people never ceases to amaze me...i usually am a firm believer in the goodness of others, but stuff like this just makes me think that sometimes people really do SUCK! sorry for the rant :( and sorry for the absence too...things have been a wee bit crazy as of late...i'll be back...i promise...until then, hope everyone is enjoying some sunshine and feelin' fine! miss you guys ♥
Far out!! thats just awful!!! I hope Ebay can do something...the same thing happened to Belle and Boo
what wrong with people?!!!
Layla what a joke. Can people not come up with their own designs?
I just sent her an email as well and suggested she stop STEALING and commiting FRAUD.
Hopefully she will pull these soon.
In other news, where the hell have ya been?! lol
Talk soon,
Wow. That's HORRIBLE.
On the other hand, here's another, albeit painful affirmation of just HOW GREAT your work truly is, and that YOU should be capitalizing on the full potential energy of your wonderful creations! Take that high road all the way to the bank.
The very fact that the seller is selling the notebooks for 3quid is evidence of a belief in lack and limitation-- that's really the sad thing here.
Step up your game. More, bigger, better faster. Go Dollface Design, GO! Temporary tattoos for everyone!
Do not be discouraged, and being angry might not produce the effect you want, in the end. Don't stitchin' a blanket out of the panels of sympathy coming your way. Get your thumb out-- in other words, nose to the grindstone, and MAKE YOUR ART!!! Turbo-charged, ROCKET fuel, baby! Turn this ship around!
This is your wake-up call to magnetize yourself to attract all the success the Universe is waiting to give you! You're doing it already-- don't let this weirdness stop you.
Make that new merch we talked about at Whole Foods that day, if you haven't already, because, as you can see, if an idea is voiced, but not actualized by the thinker, it goes back into pool of thought, and then it's anyone's game! Esoteric, perhaps, but TRUE. Believe me, it's happened to me a dozen times because I didn't follow through on MY OWN f-ing plans. . .
Make everything you can-- yes, even the Narragansett beercan cozies (no, not really, but let your imagination run wild, girl!) DO IT. Go as far as you can. And then you'll be licensing your work, partying in Budapest, and we can enter the Gumball 3000 race in Europe! Yeah, not ready to let that idea go, am I? We're still going to make that happen by 2012
So when moments like this come up, and they will, you can sigh at these half-hearted attempts at art and feel compassion for that person who is not ready to develop their own art. BUT YOU ARE, and you will continue to do so . . . to the event horizon, we go!
Make it happen, missy.
thank you so much for your support you guys, i really appreciate it!
Success! They are no longer for sale. She has ended the auction.
Some people are just absolutely ridiculous!!!
Take care of yourself and hope to see your around here more! :-)
how awful. stealing someone else's art is so low
missed you as always
here's to happier posts
and theft is a form of flattery - sorta
yeah, that is a bit shocking, layla. glad the person ended the auction, but they will probably do it again to someone else. keep them in your "file" of people to watch....
Try putting a water mark on your art on etsy. No one will be able to reprint it. No one can right click and copy it also. Denise
big hugs to all of you, i really appreciate your kindness and support, it means the world to me...unfortunately, she has only removed one of the listings...she still has another one of my "thieved" images for sale and thus far neither she nor ebay are responding...ugggh! mucho frustrated my peeps...oh well, just got to wait and see how this all plays out, thanks again guys, i'll keep you posted :D
Wow, that is just rotten.
Dude, I miss you!
that absolutely sucks, honey. what violation. that seller should be kicked off ebay. grrrrrrr.
miss you too :)
How maddening! Your work is incredible, and I'm so sorry that has happened.
Hopefully she'll be forced to take the other item off the listing.
Hi Layla,I'm so sorry someone is doing this to you.As a doll maker.I sometimes worry about getting my work coppied.Sometimes now,I can say...I made something,I throught I invented and later saw something kind of like it.My business card,I got it made from Victorian papers in 1998.(High Tea)Now I've seen several people with the same card.I would like to think mine was the first.It really upset me.Anyway i hope you get to the bottom of it and have Ebay do something about it.Hang in there ...Dolls by Marie antoinette
I'd be sad too...actually I'd be mad! Glad to hear (from Cheryl) that the auctions have been taken down. I know that imitation is supposed to be a form of flattery, but this is taking that a bit too far!
Looks like her shop is in the United Kingdom. This is such a shame...reminds me of when I see Claudine Helmuth's Poppets for sale, under someone else's name. I am so sorry my friend! Keep emailing her...she should be so embarrassed! :)mendy
I'd be pissed too. But, you have to feel bad for people who are that lame. I hope ebay gets back to you ASAP and things are resolved. XoXo Dawn
you know you have made it huh? What I don't understand is if you are crafty enough to want to sell amazing artwork, you should be crafty enough to come up with your own stuff. And if you are only trying to make a quick buck, do like others and sell Dollar Tree stuff for $10. Some people are LAME!
As a victim of some stranger selling my photography without my knowledge or permission, this just makes me wanna paddle across the pond and see if I could bust a little self defense moves on this guy. (Particularly one specific move I've never gotten to put into practice where you rip the collar bone from its setting since it really is not that firm. It makes the whole arm drop and dangle.) :)
OMG! I am so freeked out for you~ I recently read on Jenny Heid's blog~ "Everyday is a Holiday" about something similar happening to her~ this is totally outrageous! I hope that ebay follows thru and does what is right.
Please post about what happens with this~ maybe it will help other artists who go thru the same thing.
I feel for you I have had my 'Marie Antoinette' shoe stolen! I checked her blog and she has like 30 something comments I was shocked! I am soooo tempted to post a comment because MY shoe is my icon!
If I may say . . . you should put your name across your photos that you post. It's too easy to copy the image. Having your name across your design will be a determent.
Keep on ebay's butt about that! I have had that happen also, on etsy. I discovered your work about a year ago and just love it. I watch your etsy all the time for new artwork. It is so lovely and intricate. Maybe if we all ban together and email that ebay seller and tell her/him what they are doing is so wrong-they will get the message?? Maybe. Keep up your awesome artwork. Tricia S.
oooh...how horrible horrible horrible..........same thing happened to us not too long ago....just makes me sick sick sick!!!!!!!!!! So sorry!!!!!
link to blog post about our situation...
I hate thieves!
xoxo Jenny
Lovely photos! I have an award waiting for you on my Paper Crown Queen blog. Visit it here: http://papercrownqueenblog.blogspot.com/
~ Gabriela ~
wow...i can't believe that. what nerve!
This made me very sad too--did everything get resolved?
Sorry to see that. I do hope you get a response from Ebay. Is there a way to contact Ebay via telephone? Have you copyrighted your art? Like I said, I hope it works out for you.
OMG! That is so unbelievable-some people have no conscience! I have trouble with people copying my work too, but never taking the entire image!! I hope this gets sorted out for you. There's no reason for people to steal ideas let alone the entire piece of work!
Oh man! That sucks! Why do people do that. Very bad karma....
Your Art work is terrific and you don't deserve to get ripped off.
I hope you have emailed ebay to let them know...
It's extremely difficult to protect your artwork online, probably impossible, but there are ways you can minimise theft. I noticed on your etsy page that all your images are extremely big, making it quite easy for anyone to download and print or do anything with. If you didn't want to add a watermark, I'd sincerely urge you to minimise your images for public display. It should help.
That is so incredibly sad. Now the question is, how do you feel about selling official notebooks? Maybe it's a niche that you're missing? Lots of love and support to you during this debacle!
ugh-this makes me sick to my stomach! I'm so sorry this is happening to you!! I hope everything gets straightened and figured out
What an awful thing to do. I am soooo sorry that you had to witness the crummiest type of person. Don't let it damage your spirit or trust.
hi! i just stumbled on your blog, and i love it! i also checked out your etsy page, and you have some awesome stuff.
i host a giveaway every friday at The Pink Potpourri, and feature lots of businesses, such as your etsy page. if you are interested in donating a piece for a giveaway and having your site featured, please email me! i'd love to share your talent with my readers!
Horrible, Horrible, Horrible! I hope Karma kicks that person in the butt!
Oh yes, and you've been tagged:
That is soo not right.
And stupid!
:) i want to purchase some of your things for friends this holiday season - so glad i found you, too!
I've just discovered your blog today and this is the first post I'm seeing. I'm not saddened by it, I'm infuriated. Do not let eBay slide on this - inundate them with emails and phone calls!
You might also want to go to the message board forum and write about the situation there - they may have some sage advice for you. Lots of eBay users have had to deal with this before.
But do NOT let this seller get away with this infringement on your creative property!
And I'm sure people have already advised you of this, but please start watermarking your work online.
I'm sorry you have to deal with it, but you should be utterly livid. If this person has done this to you, they'll do it to someone else too.
Good luck with it!
I write about your great works in my blog I wish you like:
Layla, I stumbled across your blog and read your recent post.. how awful!! I do hope Ebay sort this out for you hun. On a brighter note, I adore your blog, I have thoroughly enjoyed my visit and have bookmarked your blog so I can return again and again. Mandy x
Holy hellions - this is crap. I'm writing them too!
Good for you for exposing that person. We all need to do that when we see it happening and let our colleagues know as well, just as you did.
It has happened to me in the past a couple of times ~ once I asked that they cease and desist immediately and they did (not realizing that they did something wrong ~ huh???) and the other time it took an attorney to solve the problem.
Go for it and good luck to you.
This has happened to me several times. I have a great cease and desist letter that I'd be happy to let you use. It usually works. Just email me: TokyoBunnie@gmail.com
Goodluck- and don't worry- things like this will happen as you get your stuff out there, but it won't affect you in the long run because YOU have the ability to move on and create new things, and this person does not.
Its fantastic post.
Work from home
I'm glad to read in the comments that they stopped! I would be SO MAD if that happened to me.
How incredibly awful! I'm so sorry this happened to you and I hope for a quick resolution! Good luck!
I'm now going to steal all your images and become filthy rich by selling them as stickers for laptops :-)
Happy Easter,
José :-)
Oh, how terrible! I just can't understand people sometime. But "m" is right... you should think positive (wish I could do more of that) and just continue with your wonderful art...getting better and better each step of the way.
You've not replied to my messages on etsy so i'm hoping I can get hold of you this way.
We would just like to know what's happening with my daughters print.
Oh I am sorry I have a gal copy my blog banner exact & then use it on her etsy site...funny how I found it.. so many thieves out there.. hang in there you are a true artist. xoxo Laura
Oh that is just SOOOOOOO wrong! Ebay is usually pretty good about following up on infringement disputes. I'm sure it will all get worked out soon. Good luck to you and great art!
I don't think you are ranting or raving. I think it is very frustrating for artists such as yourself to see your work being used by others for their financial gain. It is dishonest, and tacky, and really as you said, quite sad.
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